Roman's Imperial

Loc. in: Rapid City, SD

In 1960 Roman Kurylas started off working for a best friend who had owned "Imperial 400 National". The best friend was a great friend of Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas for many years. Mr. Kurylas was handed the responsibility of managing the business while their friend went on vacation and handleing everything that needed to be done. Over a short period of time, Mr. and Mrs. Kurylas ended up just buying out Imperial 400 National, instead of managing the company. Over the next few years Mr. Kurylas got the idea that he would start saving money, and start buying homes 1 by 1 until eventually all homes on the block were bought out. Finally all homes were bought out by Mr. Kurylas and he finally owned Building B (Imperial Hotel Wing). Not to long after that Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas saved money again because they had alot of great ideas planned for the future. FINALLY once again enough money was saved up and the Kurylas's made a huge expansion and put in a restraunt "Romans Rondevu", Lounge, Laundry Room. and build 2 more floors for rooms. At this point after the floors were built on expansion terms they had enough rooms built to make "C-Building" (Imperial Hotel) During this expansion and not too long afterwards, the owners decided to put in a 10' swimming pool Guest Laundry and new appliances around the hotel. Since Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas owned majority of the block, Mr. Kurylas decided he was goint to put together a used car lot and have it located on the north corner of main st. and 2nd street in Rapid City, SD. After awhile of saving up money again, and remodeling the complex, Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas add on to the hotel once again adding on "D-Building". Which then included a banquet hall, meeting rooms etc. During this same transition Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas then bought the alley which finally allowed Mr. & Mrs. Kurylas rightful owners of the ENTIRE block. Throughout the life time of the hotel, they use to cater to School Of Mines & Nation American University. Over the years the hotel went thru many name changes from, "Imperial", "Travel Lodge", "Days Inn." and to what is known for today "Imperial Hotel"


  • Street: 100 Saint Joseph St
  • Postcode: 57701
  • City: Rapid City
  • State: SD
  • Country: United States


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